Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A message to the TeaBaggers!

Hello! I know it's been awhile... but I just wanted to wish all the teabaggers and protesters a safe and healthy tax day! Though I'm sure the "grassroots" protest will go on without any fraction of violence or rioting(That's for us liberals, remember?) When I say grassroots, I don't mean that tea parties were put together by people like you and me, like most grassroots projects are. Though fixed news likes to throw the word "Grassroots" around, this fiasco was really put together by Newt Gingrich, Dick Armey, and many other corporate republicans. Therefor making it a corporate movement, not a grassroots movement in any way.

But either way, this protest is here to rail against the big spending of our government. It's amazing to me the amount of republicans who just within the last three months have been outraged by government spending. I guess you all didn't have the courage or guts to stage a protest of this size when Bush was spending us into a hole that Obama inherited. But that's OK! I'm sure partisan politics has nothing to do with this... I'm sure you guys are doing this because you care about this country and it's future! So I'm expecting to see just as much propaganda slamming Bush as there will be slamming our current president! if your really against big spending, be against it entirely. Not just when a president is elected that you do not like!

Speaking of the president, I hope you all enjoy the tax cut he has given most of you and maybe it will cross your mind as you hold signs and picket like a San Francisco liberal. Remember that us liberals protested our bleeding hearts out, and where did that get us? Ridiculed by the republicans and four more years of the worst president in our history!

Oh how the times have changed! We now live in a time where the republicans protest and the democrats sit back and laugh! A tea party? You do realize what the original tea party was about right? You do realize that the argument is not relevant today because you do have representatives today for the taxes, where they did not. But that's not why you're doing this, you're doing this because in November the country rejected your old stale ideas!

When you are wasting massive amounts of tea for no good reason. Do me a favor and buy out all the tea from the organic companies, such as celestial seasons. Companies that gave Obama's campaign money! Buy their tea so that in 2012 they can give him even more money and we can have four more years to reverse all the damage the republicans have done.

Lastly, ask any economist... any fair economist....they will tell you that stopping spending in a time like this is the worst thing we could possibly do!

With that said,,be safe and have fun!

Do what you have to do! The republicans can protest whatever they want..fake or real... but us liberals do whats important....we vote!!!

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